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Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь - honour


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Перевод с английского языка honour на русский

гл. 1) общ. почитать, уважать, чтить Thousands gathered to honour Canadian soldiers killed in Afghanistan. - Тысячи человек собрались, чтобы почтить память канадских солдат, погибших в Афганистане. 2) общ. выполнять (обязательства) 3) торг., юр., амер. заплатить в срок по векселю (счету) (согласно определению Единообразного торгового кодекса США, заплатить или акцептовать и заплатить, или, где условия кредитного соглашения обязывают, осуществить покупку, или учесть вексель в соответствии с условиями кредитного соглашения) See: Uniform Commercial Code discount 4) фин. обеспечить (банкноты металлическим покрытием) Syn: honor HONOUR гл. 1) выполнять (обязательства) 2) акцептировать 3) оплатить (чек, тратту) - honour a cheque - honour one's commitments HONOUR 1. сущ. 1) общ. слава, почет, честь; почтение, уважение to win (an) honour — заслужить почет He is an honour to his school — Он гордость школы. Syn: respect, credit, privilege 2) общ. награды, почести (ордена, медали, знаки отличия) Syn: "award honor 2. гл. 1) общ. почитать, уважать, чтить Thousands gathered to honour Canadian soldiers killed in Afghanistan. — Тысячи человек собрались, чтобы почтить память канадских солдат, погибших в Афганистане. 2) а) эк. выполнять (обязательства и т. д.) honour the terms of the contract — выполнять условия контракта б) фин., банк., торг., юр., амер. заплатить в срок (по векселю, чеку и т. д.); акцептовать (вексель; согласно определению Единого торгового кодекса США: заплатить, или акцептовать и заплатить, или, если условия кредитного соглашения обязывают, осуществить покупку или учесть вексель в соответствии с условиями кредитного соглашения) to honour a cheque — оплатить чек Ant: dishonour See: Uniform Commercial Code, accept, discount, draft 3) фин. обеспечить (банкноты металлическим покрытием) Syn: honor
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См. в других словарях

  1. честь, честность professional (business) honour —- профессиональная честь (этика) on (upon) my honour, word of honour —- честное слово to be on (upon) one's honour, to pledge one's honour —- дать честное слово, поклясться честью we were on our honour not to cheat at the exam —- мы дали честное слово не списывать на экзамене to put smb. on his honour —- заставить кого-л. дать честное слово; связать кого-л. словом; поверить кому-л. на слово 2. честь, благородство a man of honour —- благородный человек soul of honour —- воплощенное благородство; благороднейший человек point of honour —- вопрос чести an affair of honour —- дело чести (поединок) a debt of honour —- долг чести code of honour —- кодекс чести to conduct oneself with honour —- вести себя благородно, проявить благородство to be bound in honour to do smth. —- считать своим долгом сделать что-л., считать себя (морально) обязанным сделать что-л. in honour —- по чести, считая своим моральным долгом I cannot in honour accept this money —- я не могу, по совести, принять эти деньги 3. честь, доброе имя, хорошая репутация to defend one's honour —- защищать свою честь (доброе имя) to lose one's honour —- потерять честь, обесчестить себя, покрыть себя бесчестием to come out of an affair with honour —- с честью выйти из положения 4. (женская) честь, целомудрие, добродетель, чистота 5. почет, почесть;...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  bright coll. честное слово HONOUR  1. noun  1) честь, слава - in honour - upon my honour - point of honour  2) хорошая репутация, доброе имя  3) честность, благородство  4) почет, уважение, почтение to give/pay honour to smb. - оказывать кому-л. уважение, почтение to show honour to ones parents - уважать своих родителей  5) pl. награды, почести; ордена - military honours - the last honours - the funeral honours  6) pl.; univ. отличие при сдаче экзамена to pass an examination with honours - отлично сдать экзамен  7) в обращении (преим. к судье) - your Honour  8) кто-л. (что-л.), делающий(-ее) честь (школе, семье и т.п.)  9) cards козырной онер - honour bright honours of war почетные условия сдачи to do the honours of the house исполнять обязанности хозяйки/хозяина, принимать гостей may I have the honour (of your company at dinner, etc.) окажите мне честь (отобедать со мной и т.п.) Syn: see award  2. v.  1) почитать, чтить  2) удостаивать (with) Famous people can be honoured with a special degree from this university.  3) платить в срок (по векселю)  4) выполнять (обязательства), соблюдать (условия) ...
Англо-русский словарь
  n. & v. (US honor) --n. 1 high respect; glory; credit, reputation, good name. 2 adherence to what is right or to a conventional standard of conduct. 3 nobleness of mind, magnanimity (honour among thieves). 4 a thing conferred as a distinction, esp. an official award for bravery or achievement. 5 (foll. by of + verbal noun, or to + infin.) privilege, special right (had the honour of being invited). 6 a exalted position. b (Honour) (prec. by your, his, etc.) a title of a circuit judge, US a mayor, and Ir. or in rustic speech any person of rank. 7 (foll. by to) a person or thing that brings honour (she is an honour to her profession). 8 a (of a woman) chastity. b the reputation for this. 9 (in pl.) a special distinction for proficiency in an examination. b a course of degree studies more specialized than for an ordinary pass. 10 a Bridge the ace, king, queen, jack, and ten, esp. of trumps, or the four aces at no trumps. b Whist the ace, king, queen, and jack, esp. of trumps. 11 Golf the right of driving off first as having won the last hole (it is my honour). --v.tr. 1 respect highly. 2 confer honour on. 3 accept or pay (a bill or cheque) when due. 4 acknowledge. Phrases and idioms do the honours perform the duties of a host to guests etc. honour bright colloq. = on my honour. honour point Heraldry the point halfway between the top of a shield and the fesse point. honours are even there is equality in the contest. honours list a list of persons awarded honours. honours of war privileges granted to a capitulating force, e.g. that of marching out with colours flying. honour system a system of examinations etc. without supervision, relying on the honour of those concerned. honour-trick = quick trick. in honour bound = on one's honour. in honour of as a celebration of. on one's honour (usu. foll. by to + infin.) under a moral obligation. on (or upon) my honour an expression of sincerity. Etymology: ME f. OF (h)onor (n.), onorer (v.) f. L honor, honarare ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   chiefly British variant of honor ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (honours, honouring, honoured) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. Note: in AM, use 'honor' 1. Honour means doing what you believe to be right and being confident that you have done what is right. I do not believe I can any longer serve with honour as a member of your government. N-UNCOUNT 2. An honour is a special award that is given to someone, usually because they have done something good or because they are greatly respected. He was showered with honours–among them an Oscar. N-COUNT 3. If someone is honoured, they are given public praise or an award for something they have done. Two American surgeons were last week honoured with the Nobel Prize for Medicine and Physiology... VERB: usu passive, be V-ed 4. If you describe doing or experiencing something as an honour, you mean you think it is something special and desirable. Five other cities had been competing for the honour of staging the Games... N-SING: oft N of -ing, it v-link N to-inf 5. If you say that you would be honoured to do something, you are saying very politely and formally that you would be pleased to do it. If you say that you are honoured by something, you are saying that you are grateful for it and pleased about it. Peter Alliss says he would be honoured to be asked... It’s a very flattering offer, and I’m honoured by your confidence in me. V-PASSIVE: be V-ed to-inf, be V-ed c darkgreen]politeness 6. To honour someone means to treat them or regard them with special attention and respect. Her Majesty later honoured the Headmaster with her presence at lunch... Those right-wing people who most honour their monarch see no reason for any apology. VERB: V n with n, V n • honoured Mrs Patrick Campbell was an honoured guest. ADJ: ADJ n 7. If you honour an arrangement or promise, you do what you said you would do. The two sides agreed to honour a new ceasefire... VERB: V n 8. Honours is a type of university degree which is of a higher standard than a pass or ordinary...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 BrE honor AmE n 1 »RESPECT« the respect that you, your family, your country etc receive from other people, which makes you feel proud  (For the French team, winning tomorrow's game is a matter of national honour. | sb's honour is at stake (=someone's honour could be badly affected if they do not succeed))  (This can't get to the media. The company's honor is at stake here!) 2 »STH THAT MAKES YOU PROUD« formal something that makes you feel very proud  (it is an honour to do sth (=used when saying politely that you are pleased to do something, especially at a formal occasion) | have the honour of doing sth formal)  (Earlier this year I had the honor of meeting the President and Mrs Clinton. | do sb the honour of doing sth (=make someone proud and happy by doing something for them) | a rare honour (=a very special honour)) 3 in honour of in order to show how much you admire and respect someone  (a memorial in honour of those who died for their country) 4 »GIVEN BY A GOVERNMENT« something such as a special title or medal given to someone to show how much people respect them for what they have achieved  (highest honour (=most important honour))  (Churchill received many of his country's highest honours.) 5 the place/seat of honour the place which is given to the most important guest 6 be an honour to to bring admiration and respect to your country, school, family etc because of your behaviour or achievements  (a young man who was a great athlete and an honour to his college) 7 with full military honours if someone is buried with full military honours, there is a military ceremony at their funeral 8 »MORAL PRINCIPLES« strong moral beliefs and standards of behaviour that make people respect and trust you  (a matter/point/question of honour (=something that you feel you must do because of your moral principles))  (It is a point of honour with me to repay all my debts promptly. | man of honour old-fashioned (=a man who always behaves in a way that is based on high moral standards)) 9 be/feel honour bound to feel that...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


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